A Facebook Message Request differs from a normal message in that the sender of the message isn’t friends of the person receiving it.
The destruction to Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria has been devastating and has set the island back decades.
Anthony Pompliano filed that Snap lawsuit you’ve been reading about, you know the one where it alleges that CEO Evan Spigel said that Snapchat was for “rich people” and that it didn’t want to expand to “poor countries like India and Spain.”
Facebook’s ‘Safety Check’ feature has been receiving attention after the social media company activated it after the Paris attacks.
A recent Medium post titled “The Web We Need to Save” went viral. Though I found it to be a little annoying at points, it had some insightful thoughts about how the web has changed in the last decade.
As the webmaster of a couple websites, there’s been a few occasions where I woke up to see a post was shared out on Facebook, went viral and my website traffic spiked from it.
Another month, another Hollywood whitewashing of an Asian character. This month’s episode: Cameron Crowe’s ‘Aloha’.
Whenever Justin Bieber shares a moment of self-reflection or has a fleeting awareness of his place in the world, we should support him in his efforts. It’s not easy to fight off the strong impulses to behave like an ignorant bro.
There’s a post being passed around Facebook that has its heart in the right place, but falls into the same trap it’s attempting to dispel.
Another day, another fake news story being shared out on Facebook. This time it’s a story about former NBA player Allen Iverson being broke and begging for quarters at Atlanta’s Lenox Mall.
Another day. Another fake Facebook post making its rounds. In the last year, you might have come across a Facebook post that says something like “Bank robbery in Detroit”
A sad, heart-wrenching note was posted on Facebook a couple days ago in the aftermath of Wen Hui Ruan’s from two months ago.
Scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across a shocking image of what looked like a frozen bag of rats/mice.
I’ll be presenting at this year’s Dreamforce at a session called Marketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit. Speaking alongside Dave Austin, Andrew Melchior and Chris Bennett, we’ll discuss the many facets of infographics. I’ll be covering the relationship between Infographics and SEO and I decided to break down the information of my 10 or so […]
Forget plugins and custom themes, when it comes to connecting APIs on a @WordPress blog, nothing beats @IFTTT — Stuart Leung (@steuwart) November 10, 2013 If you’re looking to bring in all your social activity onto your WordPress blog, look no further than IFTTT.
Mom Chronicles #16: Seriously, my mom invented pracercising; she’s been prancercising in public for at least a decade, if not more. If you’re in San Francisco and ride the bus, you might be lucky enough to catch her moves while she waits at the bus stop. Here she is prancercising in Golden Gate Park wearing […]