In addition to this website, I run a couple other websites, so I am a target for emails that offer up a variety of services, including SEO, guests posts, search engine registration (!), affiliate marketing, etc.
Are you someone that thinks Twitter doesn’t allow enough characters to finish your thought? Well, if so, don’t become an SEO.
Ebook Overload: Exploring Other Content Types that Drive ROI as presented by Jay Acunzo, whom had experience with both HubSpot and Google.
How Google Views Your Content: The 10 Most Common SEO Mistakes Content Marketers Make by Stephan Spencer.
Writer, Producer, Director: How to Marry Content Marketing to Your Business Model with Brian Clark and Jerod Morris, both of Copyblogger.
How REI Moves Mountains with Disruptive Content Marketing presented by Paolo Mottola who is REI’s Digital Engagement Program Manager.
How to Market Your Content Offsite and Why It’s Critical to Get It Right. The presenter is Chad Zimmerman, the co-founder and president of STACK Media, a digital sports media site.
Recently, Google announced that they would begin giving a rankings boost for sites that were secured (https/SSL). That’s great, and it makes a lot of sense, but the majority of sites are currently non-secure.
It’s a wonder that anyone uses Typepad anymore. Unless you have a private, rarely-updated blog you only want to share with your immediate family and close friends, I don’t know why anyone would choose Typepad as their blog platform.
Google just announced a Webmaster Tools-type platform specifically for publishers on Google News. The Google News Publisher Center gives Google News publishers, or “sources“, more control over how their site is viewed.
I’m not sure how long this feature has been available, but when I recently searched on a couple of TV shows
Content syndication will replicate your content on third-party sites, so that other sites can provide your valuable content to their readers, while also driving new visitors to your site.
Though the SEO landscape has become a lot more complicated in recent years, unless you’re part of a digital marketing team or a savvy online business owner, 99% of people know very little about SEO outside of keywords and title tags.
There’s been talk about how keyword domains are no longer as strong an SEO signal as they once were and how they’re being weighed less and less by Google because of the high-spam factor.
I went to see Phil Yu speak about blogging at NYU the other day. If you don’t know who Phil Yu is, you may know him better as the owner/creator of Angry Asian Man – THE website dedicated to Asian American issues.
As none of you probably know, I spoke on a panel during a Dreamforce session called “Marketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit”. During my segment, I talked about the SEO considerations around infographics. Here’s my segment:
If you’ve been following along with my trifecta of blog post around everything Infographics SEO then so far, I’ve tried to convince you that infographics are great for SEO and why infographics need more optimization than text content. Now, if you’ve been drinking my kool aid, then the next step is to go over how to best optimize your infographic for […]
At Dreamforce 2013, I’ll be speaking on the relationship between infographics and SEO in a session called “Marketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit.” I’ll be going over alot of information in my 10 minutes on stage, so I thought it would be beneficial to break down the content of my slides into individual blog […]
I’ll be presenting at this year’s Dreamforce at a session called Marketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit. Speaking alongside Dave Austin, Andrew Melchior and Chris Bennett, we’ll discuss the many facets of infographics. I’ll be covering the relationship between Infographics and SEO and I decided to break down the information of my 10 or so […]