Are you someone that thinks Twitter doesn’t allow enough characters to finish your thought? Well, if so, don’t become an SEO.
If you consider a 140 character limit restrictive, then try coming up with a meta title tag that is not only editorial, optimized for conversion, but includes one or two target keywords in under 70 characters.
And that was the old character limit.

Now Authority Labs recently ran a test and found that the optimal character length of title tags is actually between 50-59.
Authority Labs found that the majority of title tags that they tested were fell between 50-59 characters. If your title tags run short or long of that character range, there’s a higher likelihood that Google will edit your title to their liking.
And in case you’re not getting the point, guess how many characters were in the title tags that ended up being changed by Google? You guessed it — 50-59.