If you’re claustrophobic and need an MRI, the standing MRI is a good option. That said, if you’re expecting more than an MRI report on a CD and a pat on a back, then you shouldn’t get one from the Stand Up MRI in the East Village.
So you got green poop floating in your toilet and you’re concerned something is off in your body — like perhaps a martian invaded your body while asleep, or worse.
Three weeks ago, someone rolled onto my knee while playing basketball. The momentum of his body forcing my knee in a direction it naturally doesn’t go and I felt something in my knee move (something that shouldn’t be moving).
No matter how much one truly believes that age is just a number, it’s hard not to be influenced by mass media and the rest of fucking humanity.
Did you know that those small cans of sardines are packed with one of the more nutrient-dense foods?
So I ran across this crazy 5 minute video of a enormous blackhead being removed by two gals, tweezers and an earpick.
It’s been over a decade since I’ve experienced a winter like the one I’m going through right now in New York. And with the winter, comes additional expense that never factored in while I was on the west coast.
> What I Found Out Today: After posting this, I was curious as to why do daddy long legs pile up like they did in the video (and this video). If their legs weren’t splayed about for some insane, mass spider cult orgy, it certainly wasn’t for comfort. So what gives, papi?