When money and ego go unchecked (or Donald Trump runs for president)

3 minutes, 29 seconds Read

There’s something special about watching Donald Trump begin to realize the mortality of his public persona as he wildly flails for his last breath.

For a few decades, we’ve had to deal with Donald Trump’s bluster. Surrounded by yes men and buoyed by an unchecked ego, the famous billionaire has been able to say whatever he wanted, whenever he felt like it.

In the last decade or so, Trump has never been called out in a way that mattered, but when he announced he was running to be the GOP’s presidential candidate by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” and criminals…

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.

….and how he’ll keep Mexicans out of the country…

I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.

…Trump got a taste of what it was like to be treated seriously instead of the toupee-wearing eccentric with a large personality mocked by everyone.

He wasn’t (as much as a) joke anymore because Trump is now spouting ignorance with arrogance as the potential leader of the free world (no matter how small that potential is).

After his comments, it’s been a avalanche of bad news for Trump. First Univision dropped the Trump-produced Miss America Pageant. After the Spanish-language TV network made its decision, Trump responded with a $500M lawsuit saying that suing Univision was “part of his campaign”:

“It shows that we don’t back down, it shows that I protect the border and it shows that we don’t want [undocumented immigrants] coming into the country.”

Wow. Trump also banned Univision employees from his Miami golf resort. Ouch!

It didn’t stop there, a few days later, NBC decided to remove Trump from any related programming, including the Miss Universe pageant:

NBC said it will no longer carry the Trump-produced Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants. Nor will he return to the long-running reality show “The Celebrity Apprentice” as host, a role Trump already said he would give up because of his presidential bid.

THEN OraTV cancelled a project they were working on with Trump. This project was with Carlos Slim, a Mexican billionaire who is the world’s second-richest man:

Ora TV, a production company co-founded by Slim and TV personality Larry King and funded by America Movil, cancelled a program it was working on with some of Trump’s companies

And today, Macy’s decided to cut ties with Trump; deciding to remove all Trump-branded merchandise from their shelves. Of course, Trump wouldn’t go down quietly; tweeting for a boycott of Macy’s in true Trump fashion:

Trump boycott macys twitter

In those tweets, Trump calls Macy’s weak on border security. Can’t argue with that; I never think of Macy’s when I think about immigration issues, I think of non-stop coupons and men’s clothing.

Ugh, it’s ridiculous that I have to treat that comment seriously.

Of course, Trump spun the story as if he made the decision to terminate the relationship with Macy’s because he’s “never been happy about the fact that the ties and shirts are made in China”

“I have decided to terminate my relationship with Macy’s because of the pressure being put on them by outside sources,” Trump said in a statement.

Then Trump said something about his principles being more valuable than cold hard cash which is totally in-line with what we know of the billionaire.

From his responses to being fired and the severed ties, it seems as if Trump comes out undeterred and even emboldened which means one of two things: Trump isn’t getting it or Trump is finally getting it.

If Trump continues being Trump, my sense (and hope) is that the media and public will tire of his act. If Trump is finally seeing himself in the mirror, then we’ll get less of his outrageous ignorance. Either way, we all win by seeing less of Donald Trump.

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