Carmelo plays in All-Star Game, then quits on Knicks (and no one is surprised)

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Of course Carmelo Anthony played in the 2015 NBA All-Star Game and called it a season a couple days after. It would have been out of character if he didn’t.

If Carmelo was really hurting, he was faced with two choices prior to the All-Star Game: on one hand was the choice that would cement his reputation as a player that plays for himself and personal accolades. That meant playing in an All-Star Game he didn’t really earn, trying desperately to win the MVP before having season-ending surgery three days later.

The other choice was to do the right thing by the team, you know the team that signed your lazy ass to a five-year, $124 million contract last summer, the one that pays you a meager $273,884.16 per game? If your knee was really hurting, then sitting out the game would have been the responsible action to take.

Hey, but it’s not like we just met Carmelo Anthony.

Anthony chose to play in the game. In fact, he played 30 minutes, second only to LeBron James’ 32 minutes. Did we mention that Carmelo sat out the Knick’s game before his All-Star festivities? In those 30 minutes, he put up 20 attempts at that All-Star trophy. No player in the history or the NBA All-Star game scored fewer points when shooting at least 20 times. In true Anthony fashion, he launched 13 three-point shots (hitting two).

“I was out there trying to enjoy the game,’’ Anthony said. “I didn’t want to go full speed because I didn’t know. I didn’t want to take that chance.’’

Remember, this is the guy the New York Knicks are trying to build around as their primary player.

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