Chandler Parsons is becoming a semi-star in the NBA – Chandy makes for a great complimentary player to James Harden; he rebounds, defends, cuts, passes, shoots the three, and uses both hands effectively.
In the following GIF, Chandler shows his ability to use his right hand on Jeremy Lin:
LOLzzzz. In the masculine sports world, it’s great to see these two cut it up with another. I can’t help watching this over and over and giggle. When Jeremy sits down on Chandler’s hand, I say “boop!” out loud.
And like a good Christian, Jeremy didn’t even ball up his fists. He’s like “Hey! WWJD!”
Chandler’s close friendship with Jeremy Lin has been well-documented– and a lot of speculation that they’re more than just friends. Listen, Lin and Parsons aren’t gay nor is it a bromance (despite my playing it up) just because Chandler touches Jeremy’s ass (through his shorts).
Unfortunately, we’ve set certain expectations for male interaction in the United States. A hand shake is acceptable, hetero male behavior, so is a slap on the ass after a nice play, but a playful, non-sexual butt grab automatically makes you gay?
No word on whether Chandler squeezed or didn’t squeeze Jeremy’s ass cheek (I bet he did).