Over the last month or so, the Popular Posts plugin I use for one of my sites stopped refreshing. For that particular site, I have been utilizing Jetpack’s WordPress Top Posts and Pages widget for many years and rarely ever had an issue.
I just realized that WordPress started automatically hyperlinking website URLs when they appear in content. This is happening whether one adds a hyperlink code to the URL or not.
I got the message about ads.txt file, too. I didn’t really know what it meant. All I wanted to do is to is remedy it as quickly as possible.
It’s a wonder that anyone uses Typepad anymore. Unless you have a private, rarely-updated blog you only want to share with your immediate family and close friends, I don’t know why anyone would choose Typepad as their blog platform.
Here’s a cool plugin for WordPress that I just discovered. This External Link plugin allows you to process and style external links. Adding a link ‘notification icon’ to all external links within your content.
What I Found Out Today: Bloggers have it so much easier nowadays. Ok, not today, but I was reminded of it recently just last week, that there was a time when there weren’t any blogging platforms or WYSIWYG editors: if you wanted to publish a blog post, you coded everything
What I Found Out Today: Hello WordPressers, there may be a time in which you want to display a widget only on the home page of your site while not showing up on other pages.
Forget plugins and custom themes, when it comes to connecting APIs on a @WordPress blog, nothing beats @IFTTT — Stuart Leung (@steuwart) November 10, 2013 If you’re looking to bring in all your social activity onto your WordPress blog, look no further than IFTTT.