Your company is creating some type of short-term page — usually a campaign landing page or some lead generation form with 57 words of copy on the page — and they want to optimize that page for SEO.
Effective SEO keyword research involves more than just 5-10 minutes and Google’s Keyword Planner. Most SEOs use varying tools to get to their final list of campaign keywords.
If you’re an ecommerce site looking to improve your organic visibility dramatically with one simple move, a highly-effective SEO tactic is the optimization of your global navigation.
If you’ve been following along with my trifecta of blog post around everything Infographics SEO then so far, I’ve tried to convince you that infographics are great for SEO and why infographics need more optimization than text content. Now, if you’ve been drinking my kool aid, then the next step is to go over how to best optimize your infographic for […]
At Dreamforce 2013, I’ll be speaking on the relationship between infographics and SEO in a session called “Marketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit.” I’ll be going over alot of information in my 10 minutes on stage, so I thought it would be beneficial to break down the content of my slides into individual blog […]
I’ll be presenting at this year’s Dreamforce at a session called Marketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit. Speaking alongside Dave Austin, Andrew Melchior and Chris Bennett, we’ll discuss the many facets of infographics. I’ll be covering the relationship between Infographics and SEO and I decided to break down the information of my 10 or so […]