One of our favorite coffee shops has closed. We just learned that Whynot Coffee has been closed for about a week now — as Bowery Boogie reported “movers were busy clearing out the enormous ground level space at 175 Orchard. It’s done” on November 13th.
For as much information that was out there when rumors of a Trader Joe’s was going to open at 500 East 14th Street, we’re surprised by the lack of coverage over the last 6-8 months. (Update: 2019 rumors flying below)
Around 11:30 PM last night, several Alphabet City / East Village residents reported hearing 8-10 loud pops of unmistakable gunfire. EVGrieve reported that the shots happened on Avenue C between East 11th and 12th street on the east side of the street in the C-Town shopping plaza.
Yelpers have reported that famous noodle joint Lam Zhou Handmade Noodle has closed. Please, say it isn’t so.
Two years ago when I first moved to New York, Avenues A, B, C and D were talked about as if they were apart of the East Village. And I happily went along not knowing better.
Though Flushing (the city), Prosperity, Lam Zhou, Xi’an Famous Foods and Vanessa’s get a lot of the ink when it comes to cheap, tasty dumplings in New York City, I’d have to insert Shu Jiao Fu Zhou Cuisine Restaurant into the conversation.
One’s definition of “cheap” becomes skewed when they live in a city like New York for a long enough time. Cheap becomes relative.
It’s hard to find unique and quality street style clothing without shelling out $100 at some boutique.
Braving the polar vortex on my way to Punjab Grocery & Deli in the Lower East Side, I ran across a “Blue” buildin that’s actually called “BLUE.”