Here I go with my bags again. Don’t underestimate a backpack that looks feminine online, that thing might scream easy, breezy, beautiful COVERGIRL in real-time. Case in point, my new M.A.R.S.E.A. backpack.
Though the bag lacks the testosterone that comes with strong primary colors, I really kinda like the bright orange, emerald green, and turquoise combo. And the buckles? Don’t get me started! My co-opted manbag definitely has this urban, casual spirit about it that I can’t really articulate. It’s just this feeling I get.
I’ve already got a haircut that brings the Lesbians to the yard, and my jeans can’t get much tighter, so not sure how many more double-takes I’ll get with my new found urban casual spirit. Is it hot in here, or is it me?