Jeremy Lin has had a few games in a row where he’s shot a better percentage from the three… and look! He’s a better shooter now! All it took was a few shots and the entire world’s perspective changes.
Me? I always thought Lin was a better shooter from beyond the arc than what’s he’s shown this year. I truly believe that he was just having a bad stretch of games. Some other good excuses that I’ve heard:
- Jeremy Lin is getting used to a new offense without the ball in his hand.
- Jeremy Lin’s knee hasn’t regained strength from his injury last year.
- Jeremy Lin got stronger this season and his more-muscled, toned, sweat-glistened arms have impacted his shot negatively, but has made all the single ladies want to put a ring on it.
Thanks for listening. Here’s your reward. I got you some Jeremy Lin video highlights against the Portland Trailblazers! Sing it with me, all the singles ladies, all the single ladies…