swolllen sprained ankle from basketball

The Immaculate Ankle Sprain

0 minutes, 43 seconds Read

So, here’s something mysterious you probably don’t care about – my ankle enjoys spraining itself for no good reason.

I’ve sprained my ankle dozens of times. Back in the day, I would sprain my ankle playing basketball, not properly care for the ankle and play again the following day. Actually, most times, I would continue playing that same day.

Maybe there is a reason? Perhaps as reminder of my youthful recklessness, my ankle periodically re-sprains itself. I’m not talking about being prone to spraining them on the slightest of uneven sidewalks, or stepping on a curb. I literally am walking as a normal, potty-mouthed Asian guy would and *something* pops out or pops in. Next thing you know, my ankle is swollen and I can’t put much pressure on it as if I sprained it.

I’ve googled it and can’t find anything about “immaculate ankle sprains.”

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