Whenever possible I plan my trip in a way that allows me to do what I need to maximize my $2.75 Metrocard fare.
Anything can happen when a diverse set of people share common space as we do everyday in big cities across the country. A lot of these interactions happen on public transportation.
When talking to some Europeans about race, my experience has been that they see themselves above the United States in their approach to race relations.
For selfish reasons, I think there should be a TRAIN STATION at Avenue C or D, but I welcome the news that MTA is looking to extend the 1st Avenue entrance to the L train to Avenue A.
This is an article that I originally wrote for American FOBs. I corrected a mistake and made some slight edits to this version for clarity.
Big Appled put out this awesome guide on NYC etiquette. There’s a lot of guidebooks and how-to’s for New York, but this one hits many of the right notes, goes deep, and in a humorous way.