We all know that ZARA has great prices and that their sales make price-sensitive fashionistos foam at the mouth. Over the last two years, it seems that the fast-casual company has introduced more promotions to their 2019 calendar.
It’s like summer was never here. With it being September, you might be wondering when the new fall fashions are coming out as the hot weather comes to an end. With warm seasonal fashions going back into the closet. The good news is that you miss wearing pants and cute sweaters and your fave jeans.
Did you get the email? I just did. Oh man. It’s here, my friends — the ZARA bi-annual sale is upon us. The two-times a year sale huge shadow is casting a large shadow down upon us.
It’s June. That means summer is coming into full swing, people are headed to the beach and BBQs, Gay Prides are happening all around the world, and Zara’s bi-annual sale is upon us.
It’s that time when you begin getting that Zara itch. That’s because it’s been two months since the last major Zara sale ended and you’re already anxious for the next one. Don’t be ashamed. Don’t feel greedy. You’re not alone whatsoever.
Over the last few years, Zara has made the jump from another fast casual player in the United States to a full-time big-time player in the fashion world globally. And with that, they garnered a critical mass of new fans looking for the new trends at an affordable price.
The summer is winding down quickly with the fall coming fast. This year, the last day of summer will be in three weeks — that gets us thinking about warmer fashions and muted color palettes. That gets us thinking about shopping
. Looking for 2018 Zara sale dates? Click here. Okay, we admit that we had a little bit of an off year in 2016 when we were a few days off in our Zara sales date predictions.
If the last two years (2014 and 2015) are any suggestion as to when Zara will hold their 2016 fall/winter sale, then we can expect their first markdowns to come after Christmas.
If you’ve been following this site (you need more hobbies) you know that I’ve been posting a lot about and obsessing over sweetgreen.
Five years ago, if someone said “Century 21” it was usually in reference to Century 21 the real estate company. When I arrived in New York City, “Century 21” took on a different meaning.
Last year we accurately predicted when Zara would have their bi-annual sale; approximately 5-6 weeks of continued markdowns of the past season’s stylings..
As our previous posts have pointed out, Zara has just two huge blowout sales throughout the year.
Another day, another email announcing some sort of sale – this time from Container Store.
Is the new $199 pricepoint for Nespresso Vertuoline machines just a promotion or a permanent price reduction?
After six weeks of markdowns, ZARA’s 2015 summer sale is coming to an end.
There are seven ZARA locations in New York City; all of which are located in Manhattan.
Nespresso just announced a sale on their pods. It’s not much of pod sale, but it’s better than nothing.
A couple days ago, the Zara sale started in the United Kingdom and Ireland, so we wondered aloud in a blog post if the U.S. sale was soon to follow.
Zara’s sale hasn’t started in the U.S. yet, but it looks like our predictions about the 2015 Zara sale date might have been on point.
I just got an promotional email from Nespresso announcing their 2015 Father’s Day sale.
Can you smell the coming reductions in Zara’s already reasonably-priced fast fashions?
Nespresso has grown significantly in the last few years on the strength of their “high-end” machines and espresso pods that make creating your own homemade lattes simple and painless.
According to Zara’s official Twitter, their US sale started at 00:00 (midnight)