Noindex is a way for webmasters to tell Google and other search engines not to include that particular landing page or pages in their search results.
By default, hyperlinks come with underlines to help differentiate a link from regular text, but there are times when you don’t want the hyperlink to stand out, to create an HTML link with no underline
Here’s a cool plugin for WordPress that I just discovered. This External Link plugin allows you to process and style external links. Adding a link ‘notification icon’ to all external links within your content.
What I Found Out Today: Bloggers have it so much easier nowadays. Ok, not today, but I was reminded of it recently just last week, that there was a time when there weren’t any blogging platforms or WYSIWYG editors: if you wanted to publish a blog post, you coded everything
I went to see Phil Yu speak about blogging at NYU the other day. If you don’t know who Phil Yu is, you may know him better as the owner/creator of Angry Asian Man – THE website dedicated to Asian American issues.