Even if they brand themselves as a “social networking app,” Grindr is really mostly used as hookup app within the LGBTQ+ community, particularly for gay men. And then the need arises, the use of acronyms and shorthand terms are essential for getting your needs as quickly as needed. Due to the fast-paced and mostly-direct nature […]
You’ve probably come across Barilla pasta before, even if you don’t know the name, you would recognize the packaging and logo.
I normally shy away from talking about work, but with the recent announcement by our CEO to reduce Salesforce’s presence in Indiana in the face of the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act – that’s worth calling out.
And SB 1062 – the “religious freedom” bill – goes down. It’s too bad really for each passing day that the bill existed was a boon for LGBT rights.
Yesterday, Arizona’s Republican-heavy Senate approved a bill that allowed businesses to deny service to gays and lesbians based on religious beliefs. Sounds like a step in the wrong direction, right?