The Alphabet City Target is here and the mega-company made a huge unintended splash by re-purposing the iconic awning of legendary punk venue CBGBs to announce their grand opening.
For as much information that was out there when rumors of a Trader Joe’s was going to open at 500 East 14th Street, we’re surprised by the lack of coverage over the last 6-8 months. (Update: 2019 rumors flying below)
Ost cafe’s last day in the East Village/Alphabet City will be Sunday, February 26th, 2017 according to a note that was posted on their window today.
Pearl River Mart is a three-level department store you wouldn’t expect to see on the busiest, most tourist-heavy, bustling street in the heart of Soho’s retail center.
Two years ago when I first moved to New York, Avenues A, B, C and D were talked about as if they were apart of the East Village. And I happily went along not knowing better.
Gentrification is a complicated issue. It becomes even more complicated an issue when you’re brand new to a city like I am to New York.
I haven’t been in New York for very long, so I haven’t established deep relationships with local businesses. Still, in my short time, there’s a few businesses I’ve been lucky enough to “discover” that have long-term relationship potential
If you’re in the market to buy real estate, then you know that in order to get a sense of what’s a reasonable price for real estate in the area you’re considering, you have to pull the prices for similar homes in or near that area.