As Asian Americans who grew up playing basketball, my sister and I have a keen interest in the Jeremy Lin phenomenon. We identify with Lin in many ways, so we’ve found ourselves deeply-invested in his journey — so much so, that we cheer for him as if he were a part of our family. Recently […]
MTV's REAL WORLD: 18 years, 24 seasons, 200 cast members, and not one ASIAN MALE ROOMMATE? — Stuart Leung (@steuwart) June 18, 2010 REALLY? 24 seasons of The Real World and not one Asian male roommate in the entire 18 years?
Being an Asian American is a conflicting battle in cultures and common senses. Simply being has furnished each and every one of us a very unique experience, something we all should be proud of.
I always walked by Abercrombie & Fitch stores with a sort of uneasiness. And when I did enter, it just never felt right, I never felt comfortable.