What I Found Out Today: Hello WordPressers, there may be a time in which you want to display a widget only on the home page of your site while not showing up on other pages.
> I’m ashamed that with all the time I’ve spent laughing at, and enjoying the internet, that I have yet to pay my respect to the internet with a proper GIF. Reason being is the GIF-making process just seemed like it was way too involved. That, and I haven’t found anything to ignite my passion. […]
What I Found Out Today: If you’re like me, then you have a healthy obsession with Jeremy Lin. On top of that, you’ve saved many of your funny voicemails. Like me, you tire of having to re-save all your funny voicemails every 30 days or so. It only takes 3 minutes to re-save them all, […]
What I Found Out today: You can embed YouTube videos with a specific start and end time. Something I never needed to do until today. If you’re looking to embed a Youtube video onto your site and would like to have it start or end at a particular point in the video, don’t follow Google’s […]
Another reason to dislike Apple – they won’t allow you to set your iPad’s default browser; there isn’t even a setting available so you’re forced to use Safari when opening new links. I’d like to use Chrome as my primary browser for many reasons, but to use my preferred browser, I have to either manually […]
Forget plugins and custom themes, when it comes to connecting APIs on a @WordPress blog, nothing beats @IFTTT — Stuart Leung (@steuwart) November 10, 2013 If you’re looking to bring in all your social activity onto your WordPress blog, look no further than IFTTT.
That’s sarcasm. With billions, #Google creates augmented reality-wear, internet balloons, & self driving cars while Apple releases new iphone colors — Stuart Leung (@steuwart) September 11, 2013 With their billions of dollars, Google pushes boundaries with augmented reality wearable tech, invests millions into balloons that may bring Internet connectivity to third world countries and rural […]