We love Trader Joe’s takes on Indian food, and the grocery store’s version of the aloo chaat kati rolls. Officially called the “Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches” these frozen indian rolls became a staple in our household when we needed a quick lunch or snack that we could prepare quickly. That’s because these “pouches” are “crispy pastry stuffed with potatoes, chick peas, chaat masala, and tamarind chutney.”
A couple weeks ago, we couldn’t find the aloo chaat pouches anywhere. No worries, sometimes you can’t find certain items at Trader Joe’s for a couple days; sometimes you won’t be able to find your favorite chips or chocolate or frozen item for a couple weeks.
After you’ve lost hope, you’re surprised and relieved to see that item on the shelf. This happens a lot with Trader Joe’s items and this Trader Joe’s reddit forum is filled with comments concerned with the potential of discontinuation of items.
Trader Joe’s discontinues Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches
The problem is we haven’t seen the “Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches” in a few weeks, so have them been discontinued? You’re not going to like the answer, according to the instagram account dedicated to discontinued items at TJ’s /traderjoestobediscontinued the Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches has been confirmed to be discontinued. Check out the post here.
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Sorry to be the messenger of bad news that these Indian staples have been canceled by the company. The good news? That means Trader Joe’s is making room for something new and TJ’s always coming out with innovative, interesting and tasty food items. R.I.P. Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches.