In a time when technology seems to be progressing at the speed of light, we’re all experiencing a surge in new entertainment options. From next gen gaming consoles to sophisticated smartphones to streaming services for just about everything, we’re spoilt for choice these days. So, which options are worth investigating further and potentially signing up to? Read on to find our top recommendations for online entertainment both at home and on the move.
Online gaming
Online gaming is big news right now, and it seems like it’s here to stay. Tune in via Twitch or YouTube to watch the pros battle it out in tournaments held across the world, before brushing up on your own skills live from your living room. Many hit gaming titles, like Fortnite and COD: Mobile, have gained popularity through being free to play. However, even online favourites like slots and table games are available for free if you know where to look. Sites like Arabian Betting have trustworthy and well researched reviews covering all the best online casino bonuses. Whether it’s welcome bonuses, free spins or reloads that you’re looking for, you can trust that they have checked out everything from deposits to percentages to T&Cs. So, whether you’re craving a battle royale melee or you want to sample the latest slots titles, you can try before you commit to buying anything.
Educate yourself anywhere
If you’d rather feel productive during your downtime, check out a learning platform like DuoLingo, Skillshare or FutureLearn. Whilst some platforms concentrate on specific areas of learning – for example, DuoLingo teaches a wide range of languages but nothing beyond that – others offer a comprehensive list of educational opportunities. Through Skillshare, users can pick up skills as diverse as flower arranging and landscape photography or build their self-confidence and negotiation abilities. Meanwhile, FutureLearn features courses from world class universities and can even be used to achieve a recognised qualification in certain subjects. Although the free options for platforms like these can only take you so far, if you are interested enough to continue with your studies then it is worth considering putting your money where your mouth is.
Listen to music wherever
Music acts a universal language, introducing us to different voices and cultures that we may not otherwise have discovered without it. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music and Soundcloud have brought enormous and comprehensive music libraries to everybody via the internet, but this does have a potential downside. It can sometimes be difficult to decide what to listen to next as there is simply too much choice out there. Using built-in recommendation features and seeking out playlists is one way to expose yourself to new talent without getting lost in the search process. The AI used by companies like Spotify and YouTube is pretty clever, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what it comes up with if you give it a try.
Socialize virtually
Of course, one of modern technology’s greatest achievements has been connecting the world via messaging apps, video calls, and social media. Whilst it’s always worth keeping a close eye on your social media consumption to make sure you’re not going overboard, there’s no need to write it off altogether just yet. Simply get smart about how you use it. If you have a favourite hobby, seek out fellow hobbyists on Instagram to pick up tips and start a conversation. Alternatively, you could join a local Facebook group and become part of a reading group or knitting circle. It’s easy to get lost in the world of viral shopping and influencer drama, but the original premise of social media was to be…well, social. So, get to it!
Be creative digitally
Perhaps you’ve already explored Skillshare and learnt something new, or you’ve set up an Instagram profile for your arty doodles – if so, you might be looking for further creative activities to do online. The internet offers up loads of ideas, including online coloring pages, podcast creation tools, music making page and, that old favorite, the blogging platform. Pick something that appeals to your artistic imagination and get started. It could be something just for you, or it could be something that you choose to share with the world – it doesn’t matter. What matter is that creativity can lead to improved mental and physical health, as well as increased happiness levels.