Where to watch University of Michigan football, basketball games in San Francisco?

2 minutes, 14 seconds Read

As much as the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor is respected as one of the top universities for their academics and rigor, it’s just as much of a sports school known for their athletics.

Maybe there’s no other university in the country that has is more respected on both sides. That said, there are University of Michigan alumnae all over the country.

In particular, there’s a ton of Wolverines in San Francisco and there’s a very active Alumni Association. But you’re new to the city or just thought of linking up, so you want this information a little quicker. So in this post, we’ll list out the top San Francisco restaurants and bars where a UM fan can go cheer on their alma mater with other previous students and fans. So join your fellow alumni at one of the official and unofficial Michigan game watch locations.

What San Francisco Bars Show University of Michigan Games?

1. The Blarney Stone in the Outer Mission is perhaps the most popular establishment for Wolverine fans. The bar has every single one of their seven televisions on during Michigan football games (with game audio!) along with a selection of drink specials. It’s located at 5625 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94121

2. The Blue Light in the Marina/Cow Hollow neighborhood has been a University of Michigan favorite for many years. It’s really tough to pass up approximately Hi-Def, flat screen TV’s, a pool table and throngs of MIchigan fans. On earlier gamedays, they’ll open early an hour early to accommodate. The Blue Light is located at 1979 Union St., San Francisco, CA, 415-922-5510

3. Trademark & Copyright is a neighborhood sports bar located in SoMa that shows Michigan games no matter the sport. They’re located on 1123 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA 94103

4. The Taco Shop at Underdogs serves is a modern taqueria serviing mexican food and sports in the Richmond (also brings in the Michigan Alumnae). To get there go to 824 Irving St, San Francisco, CA 94122

5. Bobby G’s Pizzeria in downtown Berkeley serves New York-Style pizza as well as football, basketball and other U of M sports games and matches. It’s located at 2072 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704

A good number of options to join Bay Area and San Francisco Michigan alumni. All of the above restaurants/bars are the U of M association club’s official sponsor locations. The great news is that these official establishments have partnerships with U of M to give a part of the proceeds from game days to a scholarship fund created to provide support for Bay Area students who attend the University of Michigan. Like you needed anymore incentive to drink more beer and order more chicken wings.

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