Does sweetgreen offer delivery? (or PLEASE deliver to me, sweetgreen)

1 minute, 46 seconds Read

Sweetgreen does a hell of a job getting their salads to their customers as conveniently as possible (or O.M.G. A.S.A.P.). Their online ordering system is intuitive and quick. Payment by LevelUp is spot on. One thing they don’t do is drop the salad onto your lap; sweetgreen does not offer delivery themselves.

Everything But Knocking On Your Door

What sweetgreen does do, and does well, is have a seamless online ordering and pickup process. Simply go onto or into their app, select your location, and place your order. Toward the end of the the online ordering, you can pick a time you want to pick it up and you pay online.

Now, walk over to your sweetgreen location and since you’re a online customer, you can skp the cashier entirely and grab your salad in their designated (see: not wait in line) pick up location off to the side.

It’s working, too. At the end 0f 2016, online orders accounted for 30% of sales. But can they get even bigger by offering delivery?

Have Sweetgreen Delivered to Your Doorstep

Sweetgreen makes ordering really simple, but if you came to this post about sweetgreen delivery options, the process is obviously not as convenient as you’d like it to be.

It’s missing a step and that step is delivering it to your lazy, healthy ass watching TV in your sweats.

We hear you. We’d be lying if we told you that we haven’t thought of having a local salad delivered locally. If they can do Farm-to-Counter, can’t they do Counter-to-Couch?

Knowing how innovative sweetgreen is and they’ve mentioned they’re looking to get customers through its restaurants more quickly, I’m sure they’ll start beta-testing a delivery service at some point.

In the meantime, if you want piping hot… err, crispy and cold sweetgreen delivered to your door in Brooklyn or the Upper West Side, you’re going to have to bite the bullet (and pay a service fee) by using a third party delivery service like DoorDash or Postmates (or Seamless or…).

While you’re at it, use my referral link for $3 off sweetgreen.

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