2018 Marvel Releases: Next year’s movie releases are a Marvel fanboy’s ultimate wet dream

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If you’re not a comic movie fanboy or fangirl, it may seem like comic book movies come out too often as it is. Comic movies feel that way because of the big name actors attached, the huge budgets and the even bigger marketing campaigns that go into each. The fact of the matter is, we’re just scratching the surface when it comes to comic movies and 2018 is proof of that.


The Biggest Year Ever for Comic Book Movies

Since 2000, there hasn’t been more than four Marvel-related movies that were released in any given year.

Including DC, the most there’s ever been has been six films. That was in 2016 when we saw four movies from Marvel (Deadpool, Captain America: Civil War, X-Men: Apocalypse, Doctor Strange) and two from DC (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad).

Whether you love Marvel movies or not, next year is definitely going to be a roller coaster of emotions for you. It’s the culmination of all the success and character-building that Marvel has done in the last decade of releasing films. The next calendar year is one big, non-stop wet dream for Marvel fanboys as no fewer than EIGHT Marvel-related films will be released in 2018 — including the gigantic-ensemble-bring-every-character Avengers 3. According to TVOM, this is the confirmed list of Marvel releases for 2018:

Marvel Movie Releases for 2018

2018 Marvel Movies
Release date Film Studio
Feb 16, 2018 Black Panther Marvel
Apr 13, 2018 The New Mutants Fox
May 4, 2018 Avengers: Infinity War Marvel
Jun 1, 2018 Deadpool 2 Fox
Jul 6, 2018 Ant-Man and the Wasp Marvel
Oct 5, 2018 Venom Sony
Nov 2, 2018 X-Men: Dark Phoenix Fox
Dec 21, 2018 Animated Spiderman Sony

Oh. My. God. Right? That’s just 2018, folks.


Given the eighth movie is an animated Spiderman movie, which doesn’t technically count to me, it’s still an amazing eight Marvel-related movies in just 12 short months. And 2018 is going to start off with a bang. From the first of the year through July 6th, we’ll get to digest five films in seven months. Starting with Black Panther then the introduction of the The New Mutants.

May 2018 will bring everything that the MCU has been teasing into the Infinity Gaunt….errr third Avengers flick. That’s followed by a couple lighthearted sequels in Deadpool and Ant Man.

Then we get to see another version of Venom. Then another take on Dark Phoenix — it’s got to be better than X-Men Last Stand, right? PLEASE?!

It’ll be especially intense from April-July 6, as there’s a month to catch our breath, speculate and get excited before the next Marvel-related film comes out. If you count DC’s Aquaman slated for the same release as the Animated Spiderman flick, that’s nine superhero movies in 2018.


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