Lyft comes to Portland, Maine (with promo code)

1 minute, 3 seconds Read

Now live and running on four wheels in Portland, Maine is the ride-sharing service Lyft.

I got an email today announcing that Lyft has begun service in Maine. The Uber competitor officially launched on Friday, July 29th in Portland. Not that “Portland” in the Northwest, but the city by the same name on the other coast and happens to be Maine’s most biggest city in terms of population.

The email also had information about being picked up and dropped off by a Lyft to/from Portland International Airport (PWM):

Getting Picked Up at Portland International Jetport Once you grab your baggage, head to arrivals and request a ride. Your driver will meet you there. Getting Dropped Off at Portland International Jetport On the way, let your driver know which airline you’re flying. They’ll drop you off curbside.

If you have friends in Portland, tell them about Lyft! You can get a free ride in Portland, Maine if you sign up through the following referral code. Save on your first Lyft ride in Portland with this $20 credit. Simply add the STUART12 promo code into the payments screen.


If the final price of your ride (tip excluded) is $20 or less, your Lyft ride in the Portland, ME area is free.

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