Lyft, launched in 2012 in San Francisco, CA, currently provide services to 195 cities across the US. From San Francisco to NYC, it covers a lot of major cities, one of which is Baltimore.
Lyft brands itself as your friendly neighborhood ride-sharing service and it’s grown significantly in Detroit. Launched as a mobile app in the summer of 2012 as a service of Zimride, it has grown exponentially ever since.
There have been some exciting innovations to the personal transportation industry in the last decade. One of those innovations is the advent of rideshare companies such like Uber and Lyft. In this post, we’ll focus specically on Lyft (because I dislike Uber).
If you shopped Zara’s Black Friday sale, not only did you get 30-50% off already-reasonable price points, you’re rewarded with an extended period to return your Black Friday gear.