Gay Marriage is Legal! Let’s celebrate SCOTUS’ decision with cartoons and memes!

1 minute, 35 seconds Read

With a 5-4 majority vote by the Supreme Court, same-sex marriage has been legalized across all 50 states in the United States of America.

There wasn’t very much doubt that Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito would dissent in the case, with the left side of the court: Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor almost certain to find in favor of same-sex marriages.

With those votes basically accounted for, there was a 4-3 majority with two remaining votes. Those two swing votes were John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy as the wild cards going into the decision.

After all said and done, Roberts dissented and Kennedy landed on the other side, making it a 5-4 vote and allowing national same sex marriages across the United States.

Not that the country wasn’t already headed that way and in Roberts 29-page dissent, he acknowledged the direction that history was headed and how it influenced the court’s majority decision… flying in the face of the democratic process that the highest court in the land is supposed to uphold.

…do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.

Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision, the piecemeal momentum saw 37 states legalizing gay marriage over the last decade. Still, the landmark decision was especially important in that it would overrule the 13 remaining states that banned same-sex marriage (including Michigan, shame on you).

SCOTUS Gay Marriage Cartoons and Memes

Though I have my issues with the LGBT community and how it deals with race and differences, this was clearly monumental and a positive step toward LGBT equality… in the eyes of the broader society.

With that, I’m not one to rainbow-ify my Facebook profile photo (ugh) or update my status with cheesy hashtags, so I created a post with my favorite SCOTUS-gay marriage images and memes that I’ve run across over these last 48 hours:

Scalia Clarence Thomas disset gay marriage cartoon

supreme court gay marriage dissenters

Antonin Scalia gay wedding pooper

The official White House Twitter account profile pic after the decision

Antonin Scalia neanderthal gay marriage

supreme court in rainbow robes

gay marriage stays quiet on gay marriage

SCOTUS gay marriage vote on New York Times

which marriage is more moral

Gay marriage scotus in rainbow robes

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