Surprisingly, the ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ movie is getting mixed reviews

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The new Avergers film that I’ve been yapping about over the last several months is three days away from opening. Avenegers 2 has a lot going for it: the director and writer of the highly-successful first film wrote and directed Age of Ultron, the big name actors returned, and an enormous budget, so it’s bit surprising to see that the second installment is getting mixed reviews.

Though the early reviews were mostly positive; scoring in the mid-80% (the first film scored 92%), it hasn’t fared as well in the last week. Avengers: Age of Ultron now sits at a surprising 73% on Rotten Tomatoes.

As long as it stays around the mid-70s, I am not too worried that I’ll walk out unsatisfied. However, if it continues to collect bad ratings and drops down to the low-to-mid 60s, I’ll be a little nervous walking in. After all, Spiderman 3 clocked in at 63% and X-Men 3: The Last Stand garnered just 58%. I really disliked both movies after falling in love with the films that came before it…

Even with a bad Rotten Tomatoes percentage, it’s always hard to tell how good/bad a comic book movie is. Even the “audience score,” which is telling, doesn’t paint the entire picture considering how mainstream comic book films have become.

No matter how many bad the reviews drag the tomato-meter down, the Avengers film looks like it’s on pace to crush some records. And I’ll be there within the first weekend to check it out (crossing fingers).

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