Amazon has been a huge convenience since I moved to New York — their Prime shipping, cheap prices and delivery had Amazon boxes at my doorstep a few times a week. I participate in their Subscribe & Save feature, which allows items to be automatically shipped on a monthly schedule.
The one negative about S&S is that prices can fluctuate without you knowing, so I make it a point to check the prices of my product deliveries on a monthly basis. The problem is I have to look at the current price and compare it to the previous price that I paid on my last order — there had to be a better way.
Enter the Camelizer, which is a comparison shopping tool that I use specifically as a Amazon comparison webapp.
You can enter in a product URL into and the Camelizer will spit out the some great price comparison data including the Amazon Price History (current price, the highest, lowest and average price), and the last 5 price changes for that product.
I admit that there was a couple weeks where I had gotten to a place where I trusted Amazon so much that I now assume they almost always had the lowest prices. Normally, I am a price-conscience shopper but Amazon’s consistent low prices and Prime shipping had me blindly buying items without my normal due diligence/comparison shopping. With the camelizer, I have a accurate take on whether a product’s price is low or high.