Vegetable Pakora Nepali version
2 orders of vegetable pakora at Red Chili

The Best Vegetable Pakora in San Francisco is at Red Chili in the Tenderloin

0 minutes, 56 seconds Read

Vegetable pakora is a battered vegetable appetizer found on Indian/Pakistani menus.

The heavier-than-tempura batter covers vegetables like onions, cauliflower, potatoes and green chilis and is served with sweet chutney and a mint sauce.

In my experience ordering this dish, pakora has resembled more stringy, broken fritters that had more breading than actual vegetable. I don’t know if this was how Vegetable pakora was intended, but it wasn’t the first appetizer I would choose, but I didn’t dislike it.

The Best Vegetable Pakora in San Francisco

During my recent trip to San Francisco, I was in the mood for an appetizer and ordered the vegetable pakora from Red Chili, a Nepali/Himalayan restaurant in the Tenderloin. I’m not sure if the pakora is prepared differently than Indian pakoras, but the ones I had at Red Chili were by far the best vegetable pakora I’ve ever had.

Visually the six pakoras looked like small, round hash brown patties. And unlike previous pakoras, the breading didn’t overwhelm the taste of the vegetables and spices. Delicious, juicy, flavorful pakora all for $2.99. Not bad at all.

Red Chili
522 Jones St
San Francisco, CA, 94102

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