Taqueria Cancún has the best tacos in San Francisco.
Not sure if that’s the truth or not, but after eating their tacos two days in a row, I feel like making a declarative statement about how much I enjoyed Cancún’s super tacos.
Their super tacos are generously filled with meat (al pastor and chorizo in this case), lathered with an almost-excessive amount of sour cream, tasty salsa, and layered with onions, cilantro, and several slices of avocado. There’s so much you can’t even see the 2-3 tortillas trying to support it. All that for $3.25.
Not sure if the photos will do the tacos justice, but please see exhibit A above (from their Mission St. location) and exhibit B below (Market St. location).
When I sit down at a Mexican restaurant, I can normally put away at least four tacos, but with Taqueria Cancún, I was more than satisfied with just two (and the free side of chips you get with every order). So not only is the food delicious, but there’s a special place in my heart for great restaurants that can fill you up for less than $7.
For someone that rarely chooses Mexican food when given a choice, Taqueria Cancún has me believing that there is Mexican food that not only speaks to me, but beckons me to say its name the next time I’m in San Francisco looking for a restaurant that does great food at a great value.