In the last couple weeks, I had the chance to eat a ramen burger… without waiting in a long ass line, in Brooklyn, without fanfare or pretension, indoors, for $7.95… twice. Just had to add those extra details in there.
Not so much to brag, but appreciative that I didn’t have to go through all the hoops and waiting that others did for the same experience.
Where to Find Ramen Burger in New York
I live in the East Village, so there’s a lot of ramen joints to select from.. One Friday, I was searching Yelp for a new ramen place to try and I came across Zen 6 (328 E 6th St.). Zen 6 not only had pretty good reviews, but as I read the comments I saw that they offered up their own ramen burger. Great. I’d always wanted to try a ramen burger, but never wanted to invest the time and energy to go to Brooklyn to get one.
Review: How Did the Ramen Burger Hold Up?
Being a hater, admittedly I went in with some pre-judgments, but being that I love ramen maybe everything equaled out in the end. In any case. the ramen burger actually lived up to the hype for me.
Zen 6’s version of the Ramen burger was standard from what I know of a Ramen hamburger; it’s a burger patty seasoned with Japanese spices bookended by two crunchy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside buns made completely of ramen (from afar they almost look like pancakes or has browns). The Zen 6 version also included tomato, onions, Japanese mayo, and okonomiyaki sauce.
The bun was delicate, but strong enough to hold everything together, yet flimsy enough that if you handled the burger too much, it would fall apart on you. I didn’t have any problems with it coming apart, I engulfed the thing in four quick bites which is probably my only complaint — the ramen burger is too small for a meal by itself.
In terms of the size of the Ramen burger, if a hamburger is the older brother, and sliders are babies, then the Ramen burger is the middle child.
Despite it’s size, I found the ramen burger really tasty – something I will find myself craving every so often. Not only were the flavors on point, but what I really enjoyed about it the most was the texture. Between the juicy beef patty, the mayo, and the crispy parts of the ramen bun, it really had a lot of layers of goodness.
I’d go back again. In fact, I had my second ramen burger less than a week later, and it was just as dreamy.
* I also had my first cronut the same day!