I like a good bargain, so there’s not many occasions where after paying the check, I find myself happily willing to give extra money for that same service. Especially in New York where many services already are at a premium.
I’ve never been the type to pay more than $30 for a haircut. Unfortunately it seems that you really do get what you pay for when it comes to getting a haircut, so I’ve been on the receiving end of many less-than-stellar haircuts in my life.
After many years of searching (seriously) for the perfect combination of a good haircut, a reasonable price, and the understanding of how Asian hair behaved, I knew that when I moved to New York, I could be in for another frustrating search for years to come.
Fortunately, it didn’t take nearly as long as it did in San Francisco. Not even close. After just a couple sub par cuts from shops around the way I came across On The Mark Barbershop on 13th street and 1st Avenue (via Yelp).
It had great reviews, one dollar sign, but what got me really excited was a couple reviews that recommended the shop because they knew how to cut Asian hair.
Check. Check. Check. And the good news is that all the checks, checked out.
The guys at On The Mark are friendly (and in case you’re wondering they’re mostly from Uzbekistan), take their time with the cut, and are confident in their craft. I don’t have words to explain the quality of the haircuts but there’s something about how they handle the clippers, the scissor cuts, technique and the blade shave after, it just feels legit and professional.
All this for $20 (they recently raised it from $17). Even with the price increase, I’m not flinching. I still consider it a great value. Remember, this is coming from a guy that would balk at a $27 haircut.
Usually I’m used to walking out of a salon and telling myself, “It was $14, once it grows out it’ll look better.” Not at On The Mark, those guys have given me most all of the best haircuts I’ve ever had.
I can’t recommend On The Mark Barbershop highly enough.
On the Mark Barbershop
400 E 13th St
New York, NY 10009
(212) 529-1900