Here's to the chinese q-tip

The Chinese Earpick

1 minute, 6 seconds Read

When I was young, my mom would periodically place me on the living room couch and pick my ear and remove earwax with an “earpick”. This earpick, or “ear cleaning spoon” or “ear wax remover”, was very much like a q-tip made of metal. And instead of a cotton swab at the tip, it’s like a teaspoon or small shovel (depending on the type of ear pick).

Apparently, the earpick just isn’t a cleaning tool in Chinese culture, but due to the dry type of earwax found mainly in Asian cultures — the pick is also quite common in Japan, Vietnam, India, and Korea.

I enjoyed the practice immensely. I remember begging my mom to remove my earwax on many occasion – more for the satisfaction and if my ears were clean after, great. The pleasure was very much like having an tiny itch scratched on the part of your back that you can’t reach.

“The ear has a G-spot, said Dr. Todd Dray, an ear, nose and throat surgeon at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center-Santa Clara. “The skin in your ear is super thin — it’s paper thin,” he said. “It’s very sensitive. And there are a lot of nerves that converge in the ear.”

The Chinese Q-Tip

Not surprisingly, with ear picking is so popular, you can pay for the service in many countries.

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