Habitual Holiday Hazelnut Hoarding

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> I’m so obsessed with Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf’s hazelnut lattes, that I purchase their hazelnut powder to try and recreate them at home.


My only problem?  CBTL (we’re close like that) only sells their Hazelnut powder during the holidays, so I have to hoard them come December.  Yes, I have to. What other choice do I have? Here’s infographic of my obsession, minus the infographic:

Coffee Bean Tea Leaf Hazelnut powder


I’m posting this because I told myself I would put up a post once a day, but also in hopes that by showing the world my problem, that Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf will sell their hazelnut powder year round.

It’s also worth mentioning, since you’ve made it this far down the post, that I live in New York, so I have to rent out a junior studio just to store these. These are real problems.

[November 2015 Update: !]

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  1. avatar
    Cocitagilbert1 says:

    I completely lately agree with you. I wonder if we could find a company to crack their secret ingredients? It might even be cheaper for us in the long run

    1. avatar
      stuarte says:

      It’s weird that they don’t offer it. I just hoard every January. Luckily I get my hands on enough of them to last me until the following January. As a previous commenter said, I’m sure a friendly barista or two would sell you some… I’ve never tried, but I would if I ran out :)

  2. avatar
    Yogo says:

    So what did you do with all those whisks?! I wish I had the money to hoard this manyT-T Unfortunately, my local CBTL will not sell the powder by itself. :( *so much sadness!*

    And did you end up using all the other powders?

    1. avatar
      stuarte says:

      Hi Yogo,

      Let’s just say I have too many whisks!
      I am able to hoard these gift powders because CBTL has a sale during the winter months. I believe it’s for 33% off. I make sure to buy most of them then and see if I can get them after the holidays when they go on sale for 50-75% off! I rarely ever buy them full price. Additionally, I sell the powders I don’t use — both Dutch and Dark chocolates on Craigslist. Sell them for about $3/piece. :))

  3. avatar
    Yogo says:

    Oh, wow! Smart! BTW, I have great news for you!

    Inside scoop:

    CBTL is going to sell separate hazelnut canisters this holiday season! Finally!!! And also, they are coming out with a new holiday flavor: cookie butter! So no more buying sets! And you might be able to pre-order a set amount for yourself if you ask your local CBTL:-)

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